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Robert Currie: paysages fugitifs

2 November – 20 December 2017

For this third solo exhibition, we present for the first time the pictorial work of Robert Currie. Starting from a photograph, he methodically paints in acrylic point by point – row after row, stretched nylon threads which, from a certain angle of vision, reveal the subject to the viewer.

Artist exhibited :

Robert Currie.


Olivier de Coux et Knut Navrot : oulipiens en art

11 May – 23 June 2017

In Olivier de Coux, everything starts with the right-angled arrangement of two quadrilaterals, in Knut Navrot, with two planes of color in a square. One works with corten steel, the other with acrylic paint on panel.

Both construct space and are to painting and sculpture what Perec and the Oulipians are to literature: the uncompromising search for balance, with the illusion that constraints do not exist while their creative freedom is at the price of extreme constraints.

Artists exhibited :

Olivier de Coux, Knut Navrot.

Carlos Cairoli, Francesco Marino di Teana, Josef Neuhaus & Vera Röhm

6 April – 6 May 2017

Artists exhibited :

Carlos Cairoli, Francesco Marino di Teana, Josef Neuhaus, Vera Röhm.


Go Segawa: volumes immatériels

19 January – 11 March 2017

For a little over fifteen years, the work of <strong>Go Segawa, a Japanese artist who settled in France in 1996, has followed a unique path, halfway between painting and sculpture, design and optical art. The transparent two-dimensional surfaces that he paints with geometric shapes and assembles into volumes generate the appearance of ethereal three-dimensional forms. Suspended, with blurred contours, these materializations of cubes, spheres or drops of water offer both an unprecedented extension of the pictorial vocabulary of concrete art and disturb the perception of space and gravity.

Mael Bellec, December 2016

Curator of the Cernuschi Museum

Artist exhibited :

 Go Segawa.