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Guy de Lussigny (1929 – 2001) : « Noir – Blanc – Rouge »

13 December 2007 – 5 February 2008

A mystery reigns around Guy de Lussigny’s paintings. Like the whispered testimony of an inner adventure, almost a mystical experience. He only needs to decline the simplest geometric form – the square – and play on the most imperceptible chromatic oppositions, to expand his pictorial works, to raise them to the rank of a true universe, where it is less a question of picking, of seeking happiness elsewhere, than of meditating, of finding oneself.

Frédéric Vitoux of the Académie Française

Artist exhibited :

Guy de Lussigny.

Léon Zack (1892 – 1980) : Années d’abstraction 1948 – 1980

 15 November – 11 December 2007

Léon Zack is the painter of duality. Russian who became French, Jewish who became Catholic – I am thus an accomplished Jew, he liked to say – figurative who became abstract, Zack devoted his life to the search for a spirituality, a balance and a peace that he only achieved at the very end of his existence. All matter, all thickness had then disappeared from his paintings, leaving room for a diluted, refined, limpid painting, with vibrant, transparent colors, illuminated by a light from elsewhere.

Zack externalized this clash of origins in his paintings with multiple knots. Knots that often evoke the Christian cross. The visible and the invisible coexist, just like gentleness and violence, light and darkness. These oppositions allow us to approach the universe of his research, of his faith. A Journey rich in emotions and discoveries.

Galerie Gimpel et Müller

Artist exhibited :

Léon Zack.