The gimpel & müller gallery has decided to organize a cycle of cultural events. We will regularly offer conferences, discussions, readings, book signings… Most will take place in our gallery, some “outside the walls”.
You will be able to consult under this section the different events that we are planning. You can read about past events we have organized.
November 10, 2024 at the gimpel & müller gallery
Karin Müller accompanied by actor François Marthouret and harpist Bénédicte Rostaing for the premiere of her show Nicolas de Staël, enfant de l’étoile polaire(book published by Selena Editions)
– March 7: Paris, Town Hall of the 13th: literary meeting presented by Jacqueline Zana-Victor around the two books by Karin Müller Simone de Beauvoir, douée pour le bonheur and Nicolas de Staël, enfant de l’étoile polaire with the participation of the actor François Marthouret
– June 7-9: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76): third edition of the Nounoune Festival
– July 6: Château de Bosmelet: Nicolas de Staël, enfant de l’étoile polaire. Lecture-concert by actor François Marthouret accompanied by harpist Bénédicte Rostaing.
– August 18-28: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76): harp and percussion course organized by harpist Bénédicte Rostaing and percussionist Yoann Demaizière.
– September 15: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76). Concert in the Bernard Le Coq room of the manor around the composer Dominique Lemaître
– January 24: Gimpel & Müller Gallery: presentation of the biography of Karin Müller: Simone de Beauvoir, douée pour le bonheur. Reading with the actress Marie-Christine Barrault, the actor Bernard Le Coq and Pascal Contet on the piano.
– February 4-5: Book Festival in Avignon (L’Autre Festival : Celui qui ouvre les livres.) : Conference by Karin Müller on Beauvoir and Sartre… signings of Simone de Beauvoir, douée pour le bonheur
–April 3: Simone de Beauvoir, douée pour le bonheur selected among the 8 titles in the running for the Simone Veil Prize 2023. The Simone Veil Prize and the Femmes de lettres Prize unveil their 2023 selection. The awards will be presented on May 25, during the 13th Salon des Femmes de Lettres at the Cercle National des armées.
– June 23-25: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76): Second edition of the Nounoune Festival
– September 23: Paris, Town Hall of the 6th arrondissement: 15th “Salon des livres de femmes auteures d’essais” organized by the AFDU ( l’association des femmes diplômées de l’université…). Book signings by Karin Müller
– September 25: gimpel & müller gallery: Le Mythe de Sisyphe after Albert Camus by the actor Pierre Martot
– November 10: gimpel & müller gallery: release of the book by Karin Müller, Nicolas de Staël, enfant de l’étoile polaire, published by Selena Editions. Reading-concert by actor François Marthouret accompanied by harpist Bénédicte Rostaing who will bring Nicolas de Staël to life in parallel with the exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris.
– May 19: Galerie Gimpel & Müller: show by Karin Müller: Simone de Beauvoir, douée pour le bonheur. Lecture-concert with actress Marie-Christine Barrault and accordionist Pascal Contet.
– June 10-11: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76): First edition of the Nounoune Festival
– August 17-27: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76): harp and percussion course organized by harpist Bénédicte Rostaing and percussionist Yoann Demaizière.
– June 20: Concert around three world creations by Dominique Lemaître, Norman composer in partnership with the Musarthe association.
– August 18-28: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76): harp and percussion course organized by harpist Bénédicte Rostaing and percussionist Yoann Demaizière. Filming at the manor for the Youtube videos Harry Potter and Clair de Lune de Debussy by 1001 Cordes
– October 19: Théâtre de Cambrai: Creation of the show by Karin Müller: Simone de Beauvoir, douée pour le bonheur. Lecture-concert with actress Marie-Christine Barrault and accordionist Pascal Contet.
– October 6: Concert reading of “La Folle Allure” by Christian Bobin by Helene Francisci, accompanied by the violins of Hélène Bordeaux and Pascale Thiébaux of the Rouen Normandy Opera as part of the Terres de Paroles Festival.
– March 25: Gimpel & Müller Gallery: presentation of a review published by the AFFDU (Association Française des Femmes Diplômées des Universités) “Les Femmes empêchées” in which Karin Müller participated with two articles on Artémisia and Séraphine de Senlis. Two women painters with difficult destinies.
This book will introduce you to amazing creative journeys. It was only in the 19th century that women began to establish themselves as artists.
– May 4: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76): Inauguration of the Bernard Le Coq film club in the presence of the actor himself and also the actor Roger Souza and the director Jean Périssé. Screening of their film L’Occitaienne
– December 15: Galerie Gimpel & Müller: “25 ans de complicité” anniversary concert with accordionist Pascal Conte and double bassist Joëlle Léandre
– February 23: Tavet Museum in Pontoise: Nicolas de Staël by Karin Müller. Reading by François Marthouret, accompanied by the accordion of Pascal Contet
– April 2: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76) recital by harpist Bénédicte Rostaing accompanied by pianist Christian Erbslöh
– April 12: Gimpel & Müller Gallery: Moi, Van Gogh show by Karin Müller. Reading by Charles Gonzalès, accompanied on the accordion by Pascal Contet.
– April 17: Cambrai Theater: Conference by Karin Müller.: Nicolas de Staël et Vincent Van Gogh, deux destins fracassés
– May 2: Pontoise Museum:Moi, Vincent Van Gogh, show by Karin Müller. Reading by Charles Gonzalès, accompanied on the accordion by Pascal Contet.
– August 5-13: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76): harp course organized by harpist Bénédicte Rostaing. Filming of the first Personal Jesus video by Depeche Mode from the YouTube channel of the1001 Cordes harp ensemble at Jumièges Abbey
The Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76) hosts the Terres de Paroles Festival
– April 9: 3 p.m. L’Histoire de Babar, with Philippe Davenet, pianist and Alexis Pelletier poet.
– April 9: 4 p.m. Mémoires d’un amnésique by Erik Satie. Concert-conference by Philippe Hattat.
– April 30: 3 p.m. Poetic concert des sons et des sens.. Dominique Lemaître, famous Norman composer in concert with the poet Alexis Pelletier and the musicians of the Mémoires Sonores ensemble: Marion Gomar (mezzo-soprano), François Veilhan (flute), Corinne Jobard (English horn), Brigitte Trannoy-Petitgirard (piano), Isabelle Veyrier (cello).
– April 30: 5:30 p.m. Le Silence of Maurice Maeterlinck with actor Jacques Bonaffé, Raymond Devos prize for the French language 2016
ARTHEMUSE FESTIVAL at the Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76):
– April 15: Sur une air d’opérette by the Ariane Quartet, directed by Yves Coudray. Two sopranos, Morgane Billet and Agathe Trebucq, a mezzo-soprano, Flore Fruchart and a pianist, Eléonore Sandro. After a one-week residence at the manor, premiere of this cabaret-concert. Offenbach, Reynaldo Hahn, André Messager, Johann Strauss…
– May 6: Van Gogh : planer au-dessus de la vie of Karin Müller. Reading by Charles Gonzalès, accompanied on the piano by David Abramovitz.
– May 23: Cambrai Theater: Conference by Karin Müller: Quand l’art est pris pour cible
– June 3: Nicolas de Staël by Karin Müller. Reading by François Marthouret, accompanied by the accordion of Pascal Contet.
– June 4: Dinner with Marie Christine Barrault, François Marthouret and Pascal Contet
– June 5: Le vieil homme et la mer by Ernest Hemingway. Reading by Marie Christine Barrault, accompanied by Pascal Contet, accordionist.
– June 9: France-Amériques 9, avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt – Paris 8th: Van Gogh : planer au-dessus de la vie of Karin Müller. Reading by Charles Gonzalès, accompanied on the piano by David Abramovitz.
– June 10: Bach, Schubert, Schumann piano recital by Axia Marinescu
– August 10: Bach piano recital at Satie by Julien Blanc
– August 27: Harp ensemble in the Saint-Thomas de Canterbury Church in Etoutteville. End of internship concert by Bénédicte Rostaing’s students
– September 3: Piano recital by Maria-Paz Santibanez
– September 23: Dinner with Pierre Martot and Axia Marinescu
– September 24: Mémoires d’un tricheur by Sacha Guitry and Exercices de style by Raymond Queneau. Reading by Pierre Martot, accompanied on the piano by Axia Marinescu.
Victor Vasarely, the father of Op Art, will be exhibited in July and August at the Etainnemare manor.
Exhibition produced in partnership with the Vasarely Foundation of Aix en Provence and its president, Pierre Vasarely, grandson of the artist
te, who will be present on the day of the opening and will tell us about his grandfather.
– November 18: PolarLens meetings (22nd edition). Book signings by Karin Müller Quand l’art est pris pour cible
– July 14: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76): Opening of the Festival organized by Arthémuse-Normandie: Piano recital by Aline Piboule as part of an exhibition of paintings and sculptures by around thirty Réalités Nouvelles artists.
– August 6: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76): Esot’Erik Satie with François Marthouret, reciter and Maria-Paz Santibanez, concert pianist.
– August 16: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76): pianist Julien Blanc is the protagonist of an artistic residency. On August 16 at 7 p.m. a concert on the notion of “color” in French music will close his stay: a musical stroll between Fauré, Debussy and Messiaen.
– August 27: Manoir d’Etainnemare (Etoutteville-Normandie 76): Closing of the Festival organized by Arthémuse-Normandie: last concert of the season with Claudia Chan and Maria-Paz Santibanez, two pianists with international careers.
– May 26: gimpel & müller gallery: for the release of Karin Müller’s new book Van Gogh “pour planer au-dessus de la vie”, reading-concert with Marie-Christine Barrault and Charles Gonzalès accompanied on the piano by Maria-Paz Santibanez
– October 14: gimpel & müller gallery: reading-concert with Marie-Christine Barrault and Charles Gonzalès accompanied on the piano by Maria-Paz Santibanez around Chilean authors
– March 23: Book Fair, Porte de Versailles in Paris: signing of Karin Müller’s book, 100 crimes contre l’art at the Écailler stand.
– May 14: presentation of Métamorphoses de Matisse by Karin Müller published by Guén-Barley (preface by Dominique Szymusiak) Reading of extracts by François Marthouret accompanied by pianist Maria-Paz Santibanez.
– June 9: recital by Morgane Billet (soprano) and David W. Jackson (piano). On the program Berg, Berlioz, Brahms, Catalani, Chausson, Gounod, Massenet and Mozart.
– April 16: presentation of the latest work by Cynthia Gamble and Matthieu Pinette L’œil de Ruskin – l’exemple de la Bourgogne (les presses du réel) on the occasion of a signing – round table.
A resonance at the launch evening of the Journal d’un collectionneur by René Gimpel, grandfather of our associate and friend of Proust. Cynthia Gamble, doctor at the University of London, made the presentation. Mathieu Pinette is chief heritage curator.
– April 25 and 26: reading of Les Yeux d’Elsa au siècle Aragon (text by Dominique Desanti adapted by Karin Müller) by Marie-Christine Barrault and Charles Gonzalès at the Théâtre de la Vieille Grille
– October 13 from 7 p.m.: Presentation of the completed reissue of René Gimpel’s “Journal d’un collectionneur” by Hermann Editions René GIMPEL, grandfather of our partner, is one of the great art dealers of the Interwar period. From 1918 to 1939, he recounted in his diary with accuracy, humor and sometimes even ferocity the facts and gestures of the personalities he met: Monet, Renoir, Marie Laurence, Proust, Rockefeller…
– October 22: release of Lever de rideau sur Edward Hopper by Karin Müller (preface by Christophe Duvivier), reading of extracts by François Marthouret accompanied by pianist Axia Marinescu
– November 22: signing of Karin Müller’s book: 100 crimes contre l’art published by l’écailler (preface by Jean Lacouture)
– December 8: 26th Book Day (Biography Festival) Paris Town Hall of the 17th district. : signing of Karin Müller’s books
– December 20: meeting with Karin Müller at the gimpel & müller gallery
– January 31: Marie-Christine Barrault & Charles Gonzalès perform Les Yeux d’Elsa au siècle d’Aragon, a text by Dominique Desanti adapted by Karin Müller, at the Théâtre Mouffetard (73 rue Mouffetard, 75005 Paris).
– from January 27 to February 1: The gimpel & müller and gimpel fils galleries will be present at the Art Fiera in Bologna on stand C23.
– February 6: Jaurès, the passion of the journalist by Charles Silvestre
– April 25: For the second time, Eniko Szilaguyera sings Kurt Weill, which she interprets wonderfully. And, in the second part, texts written for her by Jean Rouaud, René de Ceccatty and Karin Müller…
– May 22: 5th edition of L’Art dans l’air, Maison Elsa Triolet-Aragon in Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines: Les Yeux d’Elsa au siècle d’Aragon by Marie-Christine Barrault and Charles Gonzalès in homage to Dominique Desanti. Text by Dominique Desanti and Karin Müller (design and adaptation by Karin Müller).
– October: Book Fair, Porte de Versailles in Paris: signing of Karin Müller’s book, 100 crimes contre l’art at the Écailler stand.
© l’écailler / delphine bole
– November 29: gimpel & müller gallery: premiere of the concert-reading around the book by Karin Müller Nicolas de Staël with Madeleine Malraux (Piano) and François Marthouret (Reciter)
– February 6: in Grenoble: “EsotErik Satie”, with Madeleine Malraux on the piano and François Marthouret, reciter (design by Karin Müller….), as part of the opening Otto Freundlich, one of the fathers of geometric abstraction, who died in 1943 in camp… This exhibition comes from the Tavet Museum in Pontoise, whose director, Christophe Duvivier, hosted “EsotErik Satie” in 2009. “EsotErik Satie” had great success at the Bouffes du Nord in September 2009 under the title “Satie en liberté”.
– March 27: Creation at the Tavet Museum in Pontoise of a dialogue between Aragon and Triolet… Marie-Christine Barrault and Charles Gonzalès will read a text written by Dominique Desanti. Design and adaptation by Karin Müller… Thanks to Christophe Duvivier, the director of the Pontoise Museums, for this preview…
– June 13: 4th edition of L’Art dans l’air, Maison Elsa Triolet-Aragon in Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines: Marie-Christine Barrault will read an adaptation by Karin Müller of Elsa Triolet’s Manigances for the 40th anniversary of Elsa’s death.
– August 10: Eighth night of La Moutte in Saint Tropez- Homage to Annette Troizier de Diaz – Esoterik Satie (designed by Karin Müller) with Madeleine Malraux (Piano) and François Marthouret (Reciter)
– September 3: Cinema Le Rex d’Hossegor: Esoterik Satie (design by Karin Müller) with Madeleine Malraux (Piano) and François Marthouret (Reciter)
– September 22: gimpel & müller gallery: dedication of Les Yeux d’Elsa au siècle d’Aragon by Dominique Desanti and Karin Müller Marie-Christine Barrault and Charles Gonzalès will read extracts.
– October 2: 9th World Sacred Music festival in Beaune: Salle des Pôvres of the Hospices de Beaune. Esoterik Satie (designed by Karin Müller) with Madeleine Malraux (Piano) and François Marthouret (Reciter)
– November 11 and 12: National Drama Center Nice Côte d’Azur. Esoterik Satie (designed by Karin Müller) with Madeleine Malraux (Piano) and François Marthouret (Reciter)
– March 1: Round table around André Malraux – Myths and Realities, with Jean Lacouture and Olivier Todd on the occasion of the release of Jean Lacouture’s book of interviews with Karin Müller (
– May 23 at the Tavet Museum in Pontoise: Esoterik Satie (designed by Karin Müller) with Madeleine Malraux (Piano) and François Marthouret (Recitant) as part of the opening of the Otto Freundlich exhibition.
– May 24: Recital by Enikö Szilaguy “L’Eternité Picasso”
– June 21: Round table devoted to Jean-Paul Sartre’s relationship with painters and the arts. Moderation: Dr. Vincent von Wroblewky, from Berlin
– gimpel & müller at Gimpel Fils (London):
from July 9 to 31: first part with Dilworth (UK), van Fastenhout (NL), Guiffrey (F), de Lussigny (F), Madé (F), de Margerie (F), Meyer-Rogge (D), Navrot (F), Palà (E), Reynolds (UK) and Staudt (D)
from August 2 to 21: second part with Adam (F), Bergerol (F), Bourguignon (F), Gramatzki (D), Krochka (F), Lioté (F), Radoy (D), Steinbrenner (D), Irène Zack (F) and Léon Zack (F).
– October 4: meeting with Marie-Josèphe Guers for “ L’Univers farfelu d’André Malraux ” (editions du Chêne)
This superb book includes several hundred “dyables” by Malraux, small drawings intended for his wife Madeleine. They are full of humor, fantasy and a very sure gesture, with a single stroke of the pencil. Marie-Josèphe, a great friend of the Malraux family, wrote wonderful legends.
This work was praised by the press: 2 pages in Le Nouvel Observer, ½ page in Le Point, ½ page in Livre-hebdo, soon the Literary Magazine etc. Without forgetting October 2, Marie-Josèphe Guers will be at noon on France Inter in Le Fou du roi by Stéphane Bern. She will announce the event…
Madeleine gave us the immense pleasure of a forty-minute recital. Laurent Malraux, his grandson, read the prefaces of his grandmother and his father Alain Malraux.
– October 18: meeting with Dominique Desanti & Karin Müller on the occasion of the release of Sacha Guitry – Itinéraire d’un joueur and the Roman de Marina by Dominique Desanti (Arléa editions). Marie-Christine Barrault read excerpts from Le Roman d’un Tricheur and Madeleine Malraux played Mozart, Sacha Guitry’s favorite composer
– January 20: Tribute to the philosopher Jean-Toussaint Desanti
– April 27: Evocation of Socialisme et Liberté, Resistance group created by Sartre, Beauvoir, Merleau-Ponty, the Desanti
– October 5: André Breton and the Surrealists for the release of the facsimile of Arcane 17 by Biro publisher, presented by Henri Béhar
– November 4: inauguration of a monumental sculpture by Hans Steinbrenner at Place des Wantiers in Valenciennes in the presence of Frédéric Vitoux, of the French Academy, and Dominique Riquet, Mayor of Valenciennes. Frédéric Vitoux explained that he had rarely felt to this extent “being well together, happy, enriched by mutual contact”. He underlined the common points between writing and sculpture: being able to get rid of the useless because it is only in asceticism that we achieve a great quality of emotion.